Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Finding good deals

I've just created two new sites that hopefully people will find useful. I've created www.loadeddeals.co.za as a way for people to find what the best current deals out there are. Deals are submitted by the user (You) and voted Hot or Cold, so that the most popular deals are shown first. Deals are anything from a 40% sale at Guess, to Pick 'n Pay selling a T-Bone for R5, to your favourite pizza place doing 2-4-1 on Wed, and Coupon Codes and Discounts, etc.
You can also leave comments, or discuss any deal right there.
I've also created www.loadeddeals.com for our American friends to share in the love. It is exactly the same, showing deals, discounts and coupons, but for the American market.

So if you find or hear about any good deals, please add it to the site, and Vote on how good you think a deal is. Or just use the site to find a good deal. The site will be as useful the the users make it.


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